Also note that my 1up archive will be at, you can add me and chat in the 1up facebook group with me by adding Jimothy Jackson on facebook, and my new blogs will be at See comment below.
Update 2/24/2013: Technically, I have an IGN Profile, homerbundy, but I don't use it, also expect BaD 24: Movie Games, up on Pixlbit sometime today
Well, when I started blogging here, I was sixteen. My first blog was one comparing the three main contenders in the console wars as if they were political parties. It will now live on the Google Blogger account I've made to archive my 1up blogs.
As of this writing, I've got two-hundred of what will be five-hundred blogs, over a roughly six year period on here as of this writing, archived, and since I didn't learn of (or remember, anyway) the "save page as" feature on Firefox and Chrome until my visit to the 1up Facebook group today, where I've been suggesting in messages and my previous blog we all go to post our new blogs in a central hub, because I'm afraid I will not keep up with every random blogsite people go to after the servers are down, I've been having to make parenthetical notes of what pictures and videos are missing from what I've archived. Oh well. Now I know lol.
Now, as this website comes to an end, I'm only a month away from turning twenty three on March 23rd, 2013, playing at my superstition of the number three. The fact I'm ending it all on February 23rd, on my 23rd BaD entry is my own way of playing at my superstition. Ha!
When I started writing on this website, my profile picture was one of my cat, Clinger, sprawled out near a couple weights, in bad focus. Like 1up, I knew eventually something would happen, but always kind of assumed he'd be around forever, anyway.
He's now fifteen years old and we are trying to manage his kidney trouble as his health declines. By the way GH, if you still have the jpeg from that video you made for 1up, I'd appreciate it, we've been looking for old pictures of him.
When I started writing on this website, I was all excited that it seemed to be a place for serious writers, because at the time, every one talked about games, but there was also several poetry and just plain story blogs. I said as much to a girl I was fond of in high school who also wanted to be a writer of some sort at the time. I was a pretty lonely, awkward teen, so I wasn't great with the ladies.
Just this past fall, that same girl and I shared a relationship just after I'd ended one in summer, and I learned that apparently she'd have asked me to prom our senior year in high school if not for one friend's advice that it would have upset her then-recent ex-boyfriend still in their little group. So I wouldn't have had to ask everyone available and wind up going alone anyway, had that friend shut his mouth. Oh well.
When I started writing here, I was working at Boston Market, simply because now I was legally able and my parents suggested I get a job. I chose the Boston Market near our house, cause it was within walking distance, and seemed slow. Minimum wage was $5.15, and I got $6/hr, but still hated it. Turns out, wasn't as slow as I thought and I made a lot of dumb mistakes. I also caught pneumonia and missed a couple weeks, and when I came back I knew why everyone had assumed I was fired: it wasn't for me. Too much food and people. And I wanted more than minimum wage.
So I quit, and next summer, logically, since I hated food and people so much and wanted more money, got a job at Outback Steakhouse for $2.13/hr. I ended up being a damn good busser, and promoted at least twice there to Take Away/Waiter/Captain, and worked from 2007 to 2010 at least in summers, when I wasn't working for Residence Life at Stephen F. Austin State University from 2009 to last May, where I had also been promoted and received my Magna Cume Laude Bachelor of Arts degree in Radio and Television with a Psychology minor.
Now, after May to October spent searching last year, and October until now to get a decent work week, I work for the production arm of a company called invodo, and could not be happier with where I am, what I'm doing, and the people I work with.
When I started writing, I was a huge Nintendo/Revolution/Wii fanboy, cause though I'd enjoyed my older brother's Playstation 1 and 2 (as well as his NES and SNES and Game Boy when we were kids), my first system to myself was a Nintendo 64 I had received for Christmas in 1997, and the first system I paid for mostly on my own, with my parents pickng up the tax as part of our Christmas arrangement (they had declared bankruptcy, which is why, I found out later, my lawn mowing money they'd given me was going to my Christmas gift) was a Nintendo Gamecube in 2001.
Now, the last gaming system I've received somehow, I want to say Christmas gift, but I can't remember, was a Nintendo DS in 2005, and I still haven't adopted any other current-gen consoles (nope, not even Wii or 3DS), cause I was too focused on college and those expenses, and think I might sit this gen out as well, other than perhaps starting a Steam account. I am no fanboy of anything except fun, friends and my wallet being full.
When I started writing here, I was that awkward teen that seemed to dislike any type of music that was not considered "heavy," and found pop music inferior. That's not entirely true, as I've always liked everything, but I definitely had a giant bias.
Now, it's fairly apparent that I like a bit of everything, and I've become a lot more mature and tolerant of everyone's tastes.
When I started writing here, it was because I wanted to put my thoughts out there to people I didn't know, and to friends who weren't as annoying to talk with as some of those in real life. I wrote about a little of everything, including a couple times writing about crazy parties with those annoying people, being around quite a few druggies and going to a couple wild parties in high school, as well as the tyical movie and games and books and life-in-generalfare I still have one here. I was also rather depressed in the early years of writing here, and needed something productive to take my mind off not getting laid. Bit crass? Good. I was also interested in trying to see if any of my humor was funny to people. It usually wasn't, but here's a blog people seemed to find amusing when I wrote it.
Now, as 1up comes to a close, my life seems to finally be starting, and I'm working towards moving into my first apartment once my amazing job picks up and I can justify the expense in exhange for more freedom. I finally got a car last summer at age twenty two, after graduating college, and I want to keep creating my own way of life, staying in touch with family, but not being dependent on them.
I'm going to miss this place, as it represents six rather tranformative years in my life, and a hell of a lot of great people.
And so, having finished my final thoughts to be broadcast on this website, I leave shout-outs to those I've met through BaD, and those I remember from before, and go to continue archiving and trying to keep in touch once I'm finished.
Again, after that server plug gets pulled, I'll be archiving stuff from here on, my Google+ and Facebook accounts are Jimothy Jackson (on Google, it's a picture of my diploma, on Facebook, an ugly picture of my face too close), and I'll be posting my new stuff in the 1up facebook group, that I will invite you to if you send me an invite on there, and let me know who you are.
Remember, we were all here for the community anyway, and there are other websites to migrate to, although I'll be focusing on facebook's 1up group, cause I won't keep up with too many bookmarks. We can rebuild the part of this site that mattered most to us. We have the technology.
alex-c25 - I appreciated the hell out of finding someone else that shared my passion for movies on here, and as someone who loves finding out about new cultures, I might ask you more about Colombia over on Blogger, and look forward to readng more of your stuff there. We share a lot of the same tastes I think, and it was great having you as a friend on here.
Alice-in-Games - Believe it or not, I remember you from way back when, but I don't think we crossed each other's paths much in the early days, other than a couple times. I very much appreciate that you helped start this BaD business, as it was some of the most fun I've had visiting this site. Keep sharing those cat gifs!
asrealasitgets- Keep enjoying that RPG, and I hope we can both enjoy Luigi's Mansion 2 when it hits.
Bankshot 77, formerly "anti-emo," formerly a bunch of names - You were one of my first friends on here, and I could relate to a lot of your "real life" posts at the time. Thanks for the add.
BigMex - There is simply no comparison to your professional-grade, every day blogs, and your last was absolutely inspiring. Thank you, and I hope you'll be telling us where you'll continue, and am glad we have facebook.
Black-Widow-Spider- You were also one of the people I met at the beginning, and I always appreciated at least one woman that was nice enough to pretend my blogs didn't make me look like a jackass. haha You've always been sweet to me, and I'm glad Facebook's 1up group gives us a way to keep in touch.
bluesteelruns - Another one from the goo ol' days, your name helped me recognize what new genre of music I wanted to create in high school: a very bluesy form of heavy metal called "blue steel." THen I realized just how much blues influence was already in all rock music and kinda just gave up on that. lol
bottled_whimsey - Just met you through BaD, but I've loved talking to you about Australia and other things. Thank you.
Breakfast Pills - I remember you being funny, I think. Then you asked for help with your old Sega Genesis. At any rate, I enjoyed your blogs, and you seem like a cool guy.
BrokenH - I didn't know you had long hair until adding you on Facebook lol. I like that you weren't afraid to write about controversial topics from a controversial standpoint. The world would be boring with only one perspective, so keep doing what you're doing and don't feed the trolls.
Cary Woodham - Believe it or not, I'm also a little fatigued with everything having to be "dark" and "edgy" now a days. Thanks for reminding us all there's nothing wrong with a good hearted person that enjoys the simple fun and lighter side of life.
Chipmunk_Hi - Your profile picture was a chipmunk. That's fucking awesome.
crazycanadian - Formerly FFKilla, I believe. You were Canadian and we got in a lot of arguments. I particularly remember one about whether Harry Potter was an epic. I appreciated having someone t back and forth with.
Cyberxion - I kind of wish you hadn't gotten the flu after that Superman 64 blog, I was looking forward to your other stuff.
darkshadows/GH - WHen you came to 1up, I remember you saying Metal Gear Solid was one of your first games, and you were well over thirty, that game had been out, and you were fighting arthritis just to play these things. You were one badass older guy, and I salute my fellow southerner!
Epic Greenman- I've enjoyed reading your countdown of last gen, and I agree with a lot of your picks.
FAF101 - While I don't know as much about indie games as you do, you are one of the nicest people on 1up, and I've enjoyed meeting you through BaD. Keep building that Hello Kitty collection, and I'm glad we have 1up's facebook group.
Gabe - I forget your username, but thanks for helping start BaD with Alice, wish I had met you sooner and glad we have facebook's 1up group.
glassadam - You were one of the funnier members on here, and I always loved that floating God head profile picture of yours.
halochief_90 - One of the more intellectually minded members, I've enjoyed discusiing books, movies, and anything else with you. Glad we have facebook's 1up group to keep in touch.
homelessrook - You share my tastes for metal, punk, and a goot cat gif, and this makes you a good person.
ignipotentbrendan- Not only were you one of my first and best friends on this website, you're the guy that admins that facebook group I'm using to stay in touch. Matter of fact, years before I knew about that from Alice, you were the only 1upper I had on facebook, just because you were one of the most regular visitors on my blogs and we seemed to get along pretty damn well.
jgusw- While having read some of your posts, I don't know if we'd see eye to eye on everything, I've enjoyed reading your blogs and having you as a friend, fellow Southerner. Keep rocking in the free world.
Cody Winn - The NintendoTheory was a huge part of this site for some time. He enjoyed beanies and I think at one point almost wrote for 1up officially, though I don't think it panned out. One of the most popular bloggers was also one of the nicest people. That says something about the community.
rangergirl - I'm sorry your computer crapped out during BaD and on 1up's way out. I loved your Folk Friday blog, and wanted to learn more about music, as I always have. As one 1upper pointed out, your experiences as a park ranger made you sound like a real-life Lara Croft, and you're a very nice person to boot. I'm glad we have 1up's facebook group.
Rawhyde- I remember when you and GH were the "gorilla picture" members. I also remember you being funny, adding some lightness to the blogs, and didn't you live close to me in Dallas at the time? I also remember you rightly chewing me out for being condescending to people that didn't know Led Zeppelin, and you pointed out your daughters had different but equal tastes and that I sounded ignorant. Thanks for broadening my horizons with some straight talk.
Redertainment - Your blogs stood out as parody articles, and I enjoyed them. Good luck on your book sales. Also, as a guy from Utah that wasn't Cody Winn, you may have been the only person aside from myself who knew Rocky Anderson was running last election. So voting for him did nothing, at least I can feel good about it. haha
retroyoshi - You represent to me the group of 1uppers that put all pretension aside and had comment and meme wars. At the time, I had dial-up, and found that shit annoying (no offense, it was funny, but after five minutes of loading the comments I'd give up lol), but I've always loved having you as a friend on here, your enthusiasm for jokes, and it's cool having a friend also trying to make his way in the film industry. I'm glad we have 1up's facebook group to stay in touch.
riffcompelsme - A Detroit pizza delivery guy at the time, and a fellow metalhead, you not only shared my frustrations with the food industry, and my love for metal, but even gave me an internship at your start-up blog, I'll make sure to drop you a line as I go back to Blogger. ... Actually, I need to see if you've got something up for 1up's closing down. Well, now I have another stop to make. lol
rmsk8r08- Your sketch blogs were always great, and you're a damn good artist. Hang in there at your current job, and I'm glad we have the 1up facebook group to keep in touch.
rudesam - I enjoyed your Flash cartoon reviews.
San_ANdreas - That Futurama clip is sad ... stop it. lol
smahbro - Did you ever write a new blog? I don't think you did. I'll still see Asian girl butt if I click over there now, won't I? Yeah, I will.
Sneenlantern - Some of the things you've mentioned about your past, dropping games for drugs and girls sounds mildly similar to my past, and I was also trying to make music as well. Keep it up, and I wish you luck in all you do.
Sorrowful_TRagedy- Having talked in a while, but I liked your poetry. I'll still accept you on facebook, if I see an invite.
spunkyd_99 - Was great meeting you through BaD, and I love your taste in cartoons. Hope we can stay in touch.
WakkaWipeout - I wish I'd have met you before BaD, we seem to be a similar age, and I've loved reading your Nintendo blogs. I swear we'd have a lot in commeon. Hope we can keep in touch.
whats_a_cow- You've got a good sense of humor, and I'll try to keep reading your stuff off 1up, your DmC review in particular was very well-written. I think you know of a good place to promote where I'll see it, *ahem* lol
YaMissed2 - I remember your name being from a list you made where you missed #2 somehow. I also remember a great story about how car companies and economy affected your experience with Nintendos early on. You were a great blogger, and I'm glad we've got facebook's 1up group. I'm far behind you in archiving my stuff haha.
If I missed anyone, let me know, and I'll add you to the list.
See you all on the other side.
Posted: 2 days ago by genresrforposers-
Posted: 2 days ago by Sneenlantern
great blog, man. Damn, 500. You're a better man than I for archiving them. I can't even consider it. too much of a hassle. I'm giving them up to science.-
I deleted the 40 I'd archived
Posted: 2 days ago by genresrforposers
then had a facebook chat with YaMissed2 and realized I too wanted a time capsule. So I archived those 40 + 160 more last night. 300 to go. Thank god this PC is near a cable TV lol.
Posted: 2 days ago by halochief_90
No one's called me intellectually minded before, but it did make me happy! I want to write a send-off to this site and its people but I can't find the words... maybe because it doesn't really feel over with everyone keeping in contact. I will likely be seeing you on facebook and pixlbit!-
Posted: 2 days ago by genresrforposers
Same name so I can follow you? I'm Joe Step on there.
Ah ok
Posted: 2 days ago by genresrforposers
I take it you're activisionstolemy360? lol
Nope, pretty sure that was YaMissed2, I see you have your old name and avatar ... lol.
Posted: 2 days ago by rangergirl
Well, I'm only 75 behind you. I've got 300 more to archive, it would go faster if I didn't have to compulsively read each one as I back it up.-
I know what you mean
Posted: 2 days ago by genresrforposers
whether it was me being a jackass, or comments I was interested in, it took me a while to start just soldiering on and quickly copy/pasting lol.
Posted: 1 day ago by rangergirl
I've hit a point where I'd actually gone back and read a bunch of my blogs a little while ago because I was looking for something specific and it took me about 60 or so enries to find it, so things are going a little faster right now. I had to take a break and do something else, so I booted up Uncharted and died a lot. Now I'm ready to go back to archiving.
I'll be archiving through the Oscars
Posted: 1 day ago by genresrforposers
thank God I have a TV near this PC lol. I'd go insane from archiving with nothing around.
I know what you mean about finding a specific one, but my Ozzfest 2008 blog is good and archived, and I just found it by archiving everything, so I'll continue to do so.
See ya, man
Posted: 2 days ago by smashbro
Congrats on your job and good luck in life. 1UP was a part of our digital lives. It was awesome.-
See ya on Pixlbit, Blogger, Facebook
Posted: 2 days ago by genresrforposers
or not at all. So, I'm totally right about the Asian butt thing, aren't I? lol
Aww, I feel all warm and fuzzy :-)
Posted: 2 days ago by retroyoshi
Thanks for the shout-out, bud :-) Sorry about all the annoying load times, lol. No, seriously though, I've been there. I felt sooo liberated when I moved to high-speed. So, when did you get rid of dial-up?
And how do you find out how many blogs you've done? Feeling like a moron right now, lol.-
Roughly 20 posts a page, except maybe your last one
Posted: 2 days ago by genresrforposers
1up puts 20 blog links on each "page" under your blog tab on here, except your last page, which varies based on the number of blogs you've written (it had 19 before I wrote this blog, and 18 before this one for example).
So multiplying 20 blogs each page times 25 pages = 500
As for load times, I read an old blog about us getting dial-up, so I know that was in or before 2008, but I couldn't tell you exactly lol.
Glad to meet ya Joe
Posted: 2 days ago by alex-c25
And feel free to aks any question about Colombia on Blogger.
I was kind of similar to you in that, while in my first years I was active, I was a bit cynical and a bit elitist, but exploring new stuff made me lighten up a bit and respect everyone here. But at the same time, I was sometimes afraid to comment because I thought I would make an stupid statement and the same goes for blogging. The good thing is that last year I returned to blogging and became more social in commenting on other people's blog, which it became the time when I met new people.
I could join the facebook group, but I don't want to use my main account (that is in spanish) and I don't want to get busy with a second account, so I think Pixlbit might be a good option as many 1uppers are moving there. But, i'll do it later cause first, i'm going to chill out at Blogger.-
I completely understand, I've also moved to Pixlbit
Posted: 2 days ago by genresrforposers
will still be archiving my 1up blogs on Blogger, and my facebook account I use for the group is not the one I use for my personal friends.
And I've definitely gotten more social as well.
See you on the other side, man! (Blogger, Pixlbit, Facebook if you change your mind and make an alternate acct as I did.
Posted: 2 days ago by Cary Woodham
I'm debating on moving to PixlBit, IGN, or Giant Bomb. After previewing it, PixlBit looks real promising. Of course you can alwasy find me at
I did, too
Posted: 2 days ago by genresrforposers
Commented your brother Jeff's FPS review.
I'd suggest Pixlbit as far as community, I love it so far! Better than 1up in a few aspects and everyone seems to have moved there already.
IGN is nice for news, but the community? Not my cup of tea; I have an account there: homerbundy, but I don't really use it.
BaD 24 at Pixlbit
Posted: 1 day ago by genresrforposers
and if you want to hit me up at IGN: homerbundy, but I really don't use it, so don't expect much. lol
Posted: 8 hours ago by Wakkawipeout
I know we'd kick it in real life. Radio and Television degree with a minor in Psych? I double majored in Broadcast Journalism and Anthropology. I also grew up a Nintendo fanboy. Man, the arguments I had with people.
Anyway, thanks for the shoutout man. I'm eyeing Pixlbit for sure.
New Blog, BaD 25
Posted: 7 hours ago by genresrforposers
You should keep posting blogs here...
Posted: 3 hours ago by Black_Widow_Spider
Till they kick us out. ;)
Nah, wanna keep that clean 500 number lol
Posted: 3 hours ago by genresrforposers
but I will be around, commenting and updating this blog to the end. 20 more to archive! :) And I had way too much time on my hands last year, I'm glad to have some taken off and get some checks again finally. lol
Ye May Not Rot in Hell blog...
Posted: 3 hours ago by Black_Widow_Spider
Holy crap did I write a long ass comment. LMAO! I obviously had too much time on my hands back then. :)
Thanks for the shout out. I'm glad we'll be able to keep in touch too! :)
BaD 26 up on the bit
Posted: 2 days ago by genresrforposers
Posted: 2 hours ago by requezon
Its requezon, but haha gabe is just find since most people had issues saying it. Anywho, great that you joined in BaD and happy to have met you, i am sure we will keep in touch via FB but good luck man.-
My pronunciation
Posted: 38 minutes ago by genresrforposers
is "re- qway-zahn," is that right? lol
Oh and I gave you and Alice a shout out on Pixlbit!