While there, I was told it was best to keep him there overnight with fluids; that was going to cost $641, so I loudly proclaimed in the gruffest voice I could that "for that money he better dance the damn hula when he gets back home!" and the camera panned out while the Seinfeld bass line played.
I asked for other options, and a hell of a lot less money, and a cat tired of thermometers being shoved up his ass later, I was sent home with diet food, and I now have an IV for him in my closet. I'm planning on buying some heroin later to make both it and the bag of needles look less suspicious.
In other news, mom had a half day at school, so that meant spending 45 minutes plunging a sink for no damn reason, cause it's still clogged. Times like these I really wish my degree hadn't been a BA in media, so I could have a real job and apartment by now, but once my freelance picks up hopefully I can do so, and hey I do have a job in my field at least. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for a place to stay and love my parents, but being 22 with a high honors college degree, I kinda want to move out.
On a positive note, mom wanted to go to the movies earlier, but after finding out Les Mis is only still playing in a theater quite far from us, we're now going to Ojeda's for delicious Mexican food. Mmmm, totally disregarding my low-calorie diet. Yum.

I still want to see Les Mis as well as Zero Dark Thirty, Bullet to the Head, and Warm Bodies.
Anyway, now for my Friday blog idea: since I play guitar, every Friday I'll post on here some short soundcloud embeddings of me playing ariff (or, if I care to, possibly solo or solo section... not happening today though, a bit drained) from a favorite song of mine. I'll title the clips generically, and you guys guess what the song and band name for each riff I post might be. Could be my horrible playing or that you just don't know the song, but I thought it'd be cool to add a faux game show element to my riffing.
Each week, I'll have a few riffs posted up and if you know that say, a track I titled "Song Dos" is actually a riff from Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" then tell me so and I'll tell you if you're wrong or right. If wrong, I'll just say guess again. If you're right I'll tell you so and give you some info about why I like the song.
WARNING: My Dell D620 doesn't like Soundcloud and skips and spikes the audio, DO NOT listen to these full blast in headphones, they're not even well done (it has been a WHILE since I picked up a guitar, plus I'm drained as hell and exhausted from having been up all day and they're pretty much takes from having just looked up the notes; i.e. mistakes ahoy!)
So, here's this week's TGI Riffs, with mistakes and terrible sound quality! (makes it slightly harder to guess that way):
(I've since deleted the sounds, When I come Around, Song #2, and Forest King were the songs, 1 was cause it's my favorite song, or #1, 2 was obvious, 3 was a song by 3 inches of blood)
Fairly easy I think, but who knows. Oh, and I take requests for each week, so feel free. That way, I might actually practice the songs so they don't y'know, sound like these tracks.
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