Sunday, February 24, 2013

Finally Jul 03, 2008 3:30PM PST

My dam EGM came. And man, is Milky changing things up. First, PC games are being included (albeit in a marginal way it seems) in reviews and previews. Second, they are now heading to one-reviewer reviews for smaller titles. Sounds iffy at first, but then Milky has a point that 3 small reviews can't always justify a complex game and what needs to be said. And of course, that little cover touch of "EGM" on the Helghast gun. Easter eggs are great, it takes my mind off the fact I don't really and will never really dig mag covers. So, I don't always like his poloticsand he's a bit hostile sometimes but he did use to be my go-to guy for reviews when I first starting reading EGM and he's starting to seem like the businessman that can right the bankruptcy ship without losing the integrity Shoe brought. Kudos Milkman. EDIT: Movie reviews possibly coming: 2001: A Space Odyssey (saw DVD starting 2AM July 3) Wall-E (saw today July 3) The Good Shepherd (DVD rental not seen yet) Be Kind Rewind (saw starting 11PM July 2) Batman Begins (retrospective viewing) The Network (DVD rental not seen yet) and the other movie I watched in this 2-day work free span was The Real Story of Charlie Wilson which I admittedly stopped watching when I realize it was just a showcase for how historically accurate the more entertaining Hollywood version was.

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