Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why is "Post Blog" so fucking far up on the page? Sep 09, 2008 3:14PM PST

Today in Psychology we learned that Olds and (oh shit handwriting... I think Milner? This could prove bad once I actually need to study my notes) some other guy accidentally stimulated the hypothalamus (pleasure station) in some lab rats and it led to an experiment where each time the rats pushed a pedal connected to a wire inserted into their brain they would have their hypothalamus stimulated.

The rats would press the pedal rapidly until passing out, which seems to prove they were getting something immensely gratifying out of the pedal. They set up an electrical field between the rats and the pedal to test how important the sensation was to them. Keep in mind starving rats who see food on the other side of such an electric field have been known to sit it out. For the gratification pedal however, they crossed this field repeatedly.

My point? You know how guitars have pedals? I want me a Hypothalamus pedal. Of course, were this to be sold to humans it would more or less fucking end us, because as Metalocalypse's recent season finale points out, the only reason we do anything is for positive gratification. If we had a pedal that could do this we'd all be deteriorated to less than crack addicts and not care (and yes, obviously the hypothalamus is percieved to have plenty of involvement in drug addiction); and of course if it was a guitar pedal it'd be the end of that intrument's use given the true intentions of anyone who plays it.

On the subject of drugs, certain people can "taste noises" and "hear colors" without the help of hallucinogens. Normal people can do this on hallucinogens. Trippy.



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